1. Summer Training on "Immuno-Molecular Diagnosis and Characterization of  Biomolecules by using Bioinformatics and Biotechnological Tools" was organized  from June 07th - 28th June, 2010. View Details

  2. Summer Training on "Immuno-Molecular Diagnosis and Characterization of  Biomolecules by using Bioinformatics and Biotechnological Tools" was organized  from June 16th - 15th JulY, 2009. View Details

  3. Summer Training on "Advance tools of Bioinformatics and their application in Biotechnology" was organized  from 1st June- 31st JulY, 2008. View Details


  1. "In-silico characterization of Cotton leaf curl virus DNA β isolates retrieved from NCBI database"

  2. "In-silico characterization of Tomato leaf curl virus DNA A isolates retrieved from NCBI database"

  3. "In Silico structural analysis of leptin receptor"

  4. "In-silico study of Bioactive peptides"

  5. "In-silico study of Lactoferrin"

Copyright Bioinformatics Center, SVP University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut