Soil Science

Soil Science

The Department of Soil Science a constituent of College of Agriculture came in to existence with the inception of university in October 2000. Under graduate teaching Programme by Department started in year 2000 while post graduate Programme in 2004. Six Teaching posts were sanctioned to department at the time of university creation and started with manpower of ten faculties including four from research and extension.

Department is following the Restructured and Revised Syllabi of Post-graduate Programmes as per recommendation of ICAR BSMA Committee since academic year 2023-24. The M.Sc.(Ag.) Soil Science degree programme offers a total of 70 credits, which includes 20 credits for major courses, 8 credits for minor courses, 06 credits for supporting courses, 05 credits for non-credit compulsory courses, 01 credit for seminar and 30 credits for master’s research and thesis submission. The PhD Soil Science programme offers a total of 100 credits, which includes 12 credits for major courses, 06 credits for minor courses, 05 credits for supporting courses, 02 credit for seminar and 75 credits for Thesis research. Apart from this department offer 39 credits inclusive of nine elective credits, twenty credits of experiential learning to the undergraduate programme. The objectives are;


  • Nurturing of UG/PG students for global competence through quality teaching of recent aspects of soil science
  • Development of ecofriendly nutrient management modules for intensive cropping system.
  • Management of natural resources for sustainable agriculture
  • Skill development to setup entrepreneurs in soil and plant clinic
  • To serve the farming community through transfer of technology generated by the department as well as dissemination of weather based agro advisory.






B. P. Dhyani


Ph. D. Soil Science

Soil chemistry/fertility

Satendra Kumar


Ph. D. Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

Soil fertility/Pedology

U. P. Shahi


Ph. D. Soil Science

Soil fertility/climate change

S. P. Singh


Ph. D. Soil Science

Soil Chemistry / fertility

Yogesh Kumar


Ph. D. Soil Science

Soil Chemistry/ fertility/ soil microbiology

Ashok Yadav

Associate Director (CRC)

Ph. D. Soil Science & Agricultural

Soil Chemistry/fertility

Non Teaching Staff

Rachna Agarwal

Senior. Lab. Asstt.

M. Sc. (Ag.) Ag. Biotechnology



Under Graduate Courses:

  • Fundamental of Soil Science SAC-111, 3(2+1) (For College of Agriculture, Horticulture & Agril Engineering)
  • Agricultural Microbiology SAC-121, 2(1+1)
  • Problematic Soils and Their Management SAC-221, 2 (2+0)
  • Manures, Fertilizer and Soil Fertility Management  SAC-311, 3 (2+1)
  • Agro Chemicals UGE-222, 3(2+1)
  • Bio Pesticide and Bio fertilizers UGE-312, 3(2+1)
  • System Simulation and Agroadvisory UGE-323, 3(2+1)

Post-Graduate Courses

M. Sc. Ag. Soil Science Programme


*SOIL 501 

Soil Physics 


*SOIL 502 

Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use 


*SOIL 503 

Soil Chemistry 


*SOIL 504 

Soil Mineralogy, Genesis and Classification 


SOIL 505 

Soil erosion and conservation 


SOIL 506 

Soil Biology and Biochemistry 


SOIL 507 

Radioisotopes in soil and plant studies 



SOIL 508 

Soil, Water and Air Pollution 



SOIL 509 

Remote sensing and GIS technique for soil and crop studies 



SOIL 510 

Analytical Technique and Instrumental Methods in Soil and Plant Analysis 



SOIL 511 

Management of Problematic Soils and Water 



SOIL 512 

Land degradation and restoration 



SOIL 513 

Soil Survey and Land use Planning



SOIL 514 

Introduction to nanotechnology 



SOIL 591 

Master’s Seminar



SOIL 599 

Master’s Research


*Indicates Core Courses which are Compulsory for Master Programme

PhD Soil Science        


SOIL 601 

Recent Trends in Soil Physics 



SOIL 602 

Modern Concept in Soil Fertility 



SOIL 603* 

Physical Chemistry of Soil 



SOIL 604* 

Soil Genesis and Micro Morphology 



SOIL 605 

Bio-Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter 



SOIL 606 

Soil Resource Management 



SOIL 609 

Recent Trends in Soil Microbial Biodiversity 



SOIL 691 

Doctoral seminar – I 



SOIL 692 

Doctoral seminar - II 



SOIL 699 

Doctoral Research 



SOIL 607 

Modeling of soil plant system 



SOIL 608 

Clay Mineralogy 


*Indicates Core Courses which are Compulsory for Ph.D. Programme

Dr. B.P. Dhyani
Dr. B.P. Dhyani
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Soil Chemistry/ Soil fertility
Phone No: 9412886696
Dr. Satendra Kumar
Dr. Satendra Kumar
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Soil Fertility/ Pedology
Phone No: 9412430393
Profile: View Profile
Dr. U.P. Shahi
Dr. U.P. Shahi
Professor & Head
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Soil Fertility/climate change
Phone No: 9410228283
Profile: View Profile
Dr. S. P. Singh
Dr. S. P. Singh
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Soil Chemistry / Soil fertility
Phone No: 9412830211
Profile: View Profile
Dr. Yogesh Kumar
Dr. Yogesh Kumar
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Soil Chemistry/ fertility/ soil microbiology
Phone No: 9411918124
Profile: View Profile

Research Activities:

A. Out funded Research Projects

  1. Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS), funded by IMD, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India. PI: Dr U.P. Shahi
  2. FASAL: Forecasting Agricultural output using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land based observations, funded by Ministry of Earth Science, Govt. of India. PI Dr Yogesh Kumar
  3. Source, Rate and Time study of POLY4 in Sugarcane in North India (UP)” funded by Anglo American Crop Nutrients Ltd. PI: Dr U.P. Shahi
  4. Assessment of POLY-4 (Polyhalite) for productivity, quality of potato and K, S use efficiency in soils of western plain zone of Uttar Pradesh, funded by Sirius minerals Plc London. PI: Dr U.P. Shahi
  5. Balance potassium fertilization under pre-dominant cropping system of Upper Gangetic Plains’ funded by Uralkali Trading (Gibraltar) Ltd. Russia, PI: Dr U.P. Shahi
  6. Scaling up  of water  productivity in agriculture”, funded by ICAR, PI: Dr Ashok Kumar
  7. Development of organic farming modules, funded by UPCAR, Lucknow, PI: Dr Ashok Kumar
  8. Utilization of treated biomethanated spent wash for pre sown land application as basal manure”, funded by B H Ltd Distillery Unit Kinauni. PI: Dr Ashok Kumar
  9. Establishment of Tissue culture unit for production of fruit plants under western plains zone of U.P, funded by national horticulture mission. PI: Dr Ashok Kumar

B. Thrust area for Master’s and Doctoral Research

  • Assessment of agro industrial waste for their manurial value.
  • Integrated nutrient management study for different crops.
  • Conservation agriculture including water and soil
  • Characterization of soils for their fertility status
  • Balance fertilization in predominant cropping system
  • Evaluation of new molecules/ mineral for their manurial application
  • Assessments of water quality.

Extension Activities:

  • Dissemination of weather forecast and weather based agro-advisory to farming community, extension workers, print and electronic media. About 25 lakhs farmers receiving forecast through SMS via m-kisan portal.
  • Participation in kisan gosthies, district level meetings and kisan mela being organized by different agencies.
  • Visit to farmer’s field to resolve nutritional disorders.
  • On-farm demonstration on balance fertilization on prevailing cropping systems.


The class room and seminar hall are available in the Department of Soil Science, the laboratories available in the Department of Soil Science for UG and PG programme is listed below. The department has fully equipped with instrumentation laboratories apart from a pot culture yard for teaching and research programs.


PG Laboratory

Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, auto N analyser, pH meter, EC meter, Mechanical shaker, refrigerator, electronic balance etc.


Soil physics laboratory

Hydrometer kit standard set, wet sieving set, Ergonomical auger set,


ELP Lab for Soil and Water analysis

Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, auto N analyser, pH meter, EC meter, Mechanical shaker, Oven, Ultrapure water purifier, Microwave, water quality testing kit, ultrasonic washer, etc


Microbiology laboratory

Microwave digester system, centrifuge machine, Laminar flow binocular microscope, electronic balance, plant sample grinder, BOD incubator, Hot air oven, pH meter, digital camera, vertical mechanical shaker, autoclave, etc      


Micronutrient laboratory

AAS GBC make, pH meter, electronic balance


UG laboratory

Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, N distillation unit, BOD glass apparatus, pH meter, EC meter, etc


Sample Processing Room

Wooden roller, copper sieve, sample grinder etc.


Met. observatory

Sun shine recorder, Stevenson screen, rain gauge, anemometer, Pan evaporimeter, soil thermometer


Important Publications:

  • Kumar Harshit, Dhyani B.P., Shah U.P., Kumar Ashok, Vivek, Tomar Akash and Singh Anand. 2021. Effect of Zinc and Vermicompost Application on Zinc Content, Uptake and Yield of Late Sown Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science,  69(3): 339-343
  • Pathak Shakti Om, Dhyani BP, Shahi U.P., Kumar Ashok, Vivek and Singh S.P. 2022. Basmati rice performance as influenced by application timing of organic N sources, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92(6): 752–6
  • Shahi U.P., Singh V.K., Singh Abhinav, Upadhyay P.K. and Rai P.K. 2022. Site-specific nutrient management: impact on productivity, nutrient uptake and economics of rice-wheat system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92(2): 195–8.
  • Kalita, Pallabi, Satendra Kumar, Dhyani, B., P., Shahi, U., P., Naresh, R., K. and Singh, B. (2022). Soil fertility status under soils of rice-wheat cropping system of Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. SP-11(11): 1012-1016.
  • Katiyar, Drishty, Satendra Kumar, Kushal Sachan, Anil Kumar, Ashok Kumar, B.P. Dhyani, N.K. Naresh, Purushottam (2023) Effect of Rhizobium and PSB inoculation on nutrient content and their uptake in Chick pea. Scientist. 2(1). 322-327
  • Kalita, Pallabi, Satendra Kumar, Dutta, Debashis, Dhyani, B.,P., Naresh, R., K., Shahi, U., P., and Bhim Singh (2022) Soil Potassium Fractions under Prominent Rice based Cropping Systems of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. Scientist. 2(1). 3000-3007.
  • Kumar, Pramod, Satendra Kumar, Dhyani, B., P., Kumar, Mukesh, Kumar, Yogesh, Singh, Bhim, Singh, Subedar and Patel, Jaynath (2022). Effect of integrated nutrient management approach on productivity and profitability of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 11(7): 2049-2055.
  • Singh Anand, Shahi U.P., Dhyani B.P., Ashok Kumar, Satendra Kumar, Vivek and Ashok Kumar. (2021). Response of bread wheat and nutrient removal with new micronutrient molecules fertilization, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (5): 708–12,
  • Kumar, Ashok, Shahi, U. P., Dhyani, B. P., Naresh, R. K., Suhel Sardar, Kumar, Y. and Raj Bahadur. (2011). Impact study on ground water quality and physico- chemical properties of farm lands irrigated with post-methanated distillery effluent. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 81 (9):852-854.
  • Shahi U.P., Singh V.K., Singh Abhinav, Singh Prem, Dhyani B.P. and Singh Anand. (2020). Effect of site-specific nutrient management on productivity, soil fertility and nutrient uptake in maize (Zea mays), Indian Journal of Agronomy, 65(4):432-438.
  • Singh, S.P. (2019). Effect of integrated nutrient management on wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility status in alluvial soil, Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences 89 (6): 929-933
  • Singh, Onkar, Kumar, Satendra, Dwivedi, Ashish, Dhyani, B. P. and Naresh, R.K. (2016). Effect of sulphur and iron fertilization on performance and production potential of urdbean [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] and nutrients removal under Inceptisols. Legume Research, 39 (6): 946-954.
  • Singh, S.P. 2019 Effect of integrated nutrient management on wheat (Triticum aestivum ) yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility status in alluvial soil. Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences 89 (6): 929-933.
  • Satendra Kumar, Kumar, Achin, Kumar, Pramod and Kumar, Pankaj (2019). Chemical characterization of Ganga basin soils of western Utter Pradesh. Agropedology, 29 (02), 142-145.
  • Kumar, Atin, Satendra Kumar,  Dhyani, B. P., Kumar, Ashok, Shahi, U. P., Vivek, Kumar, Rohit and Dubey, D. V. (2019). Assessment of underground water quality for drinking and irrigation purpose on west side of the Ganga canal command area in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh, India. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 7(2):304-310.
  • Gupta Smita, Singh A., Kumar Ashok, Shahi, U., P., Sinha N.K. and Roy, S. (2018). Yield forecasting of wheat and mustard for western Uttar Pradesh using statistical model, Journal of Agrometeorology, 20(1) 66-68.
  • Raizada Sumit, Kumar Ashok, Dhyani B.P., Shahi U.P., Senger, R.S. and Singh R.R. (2018). Productivity and Quality of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) under Different Nutritional level Supplemented through Organic and Inorganic Sources, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 13(1), 1-5.
  • Dhyani, B., P., Shahi, U.P. Baliyan, V., Yogesh Kumar, Singh, R.,R., Ashok Kumar, Singh. S. P., B., Ram and Yadav, R.B. (2008). Evaluation of CPP as a component of integrated plant nutrient management for rice-wheat cropping sequence. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.78 (11) 929-931.
  • Shahi, Uday, Pratap, Kumar Ashok and Dhyani B.,P. 2019. Assessment of Physico chemical properties of soil and groundwater pollution with  post methanated distillery effluent irrigation in Western Uttar Pradesh of India, In Remediating the Planet Proceedings Cleanup Conference, Adelaide Australia from 8-12 September 2019. 533-534.
  • Singh Subedar, Shahi, U.,P, Dhyani B.,P, Satendra Kumar, Kumar Mukesh, Singh Manoj, Kumar and Singh Anand.(2022). Studies on different levels and scheduling of potassium on growth and yield of onion var. Agrifound Light Red in light-textured soil of Western UP, Vegetable Science.49(2): 225-232.
  • Kumar, Vivek, Satendra Kumar, Yadav, Praveen, Kumar, Singh, Vikash, Verma, Shikhar and Kumar. Mohit (2022). Study of Soil Fertility Status in KVK Farm, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (22): 117-124.
  • Yadav, Praveen Kumar, Satendra Kumar, Kumar, Vivek, Dixit, Vidhu, Verma, Shikhar and Singh, Vikash (2022). Zn and B Mediated Effect on Yield Attribute, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medick.). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science. 34 (22): 1045-1055.
  • Kumar, Yogesh, Naresh, R., K., Singh, Salwinder, Dhaliwal, Sharma, Vivek, Kumar, Rajinder & Mandal, Agniva (2022). Impact of NPK Enriched Bio-Compost on Rice Yield and Sustainability of Nutrients in Sandy Loam Soils of India. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2022.2100414
  • Devi, Madhu, Singh, S., P., Dhyani, B. P, Satendra Kumar, Kumar, Yogesh, Chaudhari, Deepak and Pandey, Prabhat Ranjan, (2022)  Effect of Zinc enriched and organic sources on Productivity and Profitability of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  The Pharma Innovation Journal 11(7): 985-990.
  • Kumar Vipin, Dhyani, B., P., Shahi U.P, Kumar Satendra, Kumar Ashok and Singh Akanksha, (2022). Effect of nitrogen schedule and management on yield of late sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rice-wheat system, Indian Journal of Agronomy 67(2):144-147.
  • Kumar Ashok, Kumar Rajesh, Dhyani, B.,,P, Shahi, U.,P, Kumar Yogesh, Singh S.,P, Satendra Kumar, Kumar Ashok, Prakash, Satya,. (2021). Acceptable variability in soil testing report: A case study, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 20(1) 35-42
  • Singh Anand , Shahi, U.,P., Dhyani, B.,P., Ashok Kumar, Satendra Kumar, Vivek, Singh Prashant Deo and Singh Akansha. (2020). Efficacy of sources and application mode of micronutrients on dry matter accumulation, productivity of wheat and residual organic carbon status in sandy loam soil, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 19(4): 416-420
  • Ashok Kumar, Shahi, U.,,P., Dhyani, B.,P. and Prakash, Satya. (2019). Soil health assessment of Crop Research Center through scoring function graph, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 18(4): 334-341.
  • Shahi, U.P., Singh, V.K., Singh, Abhinav, Upadhyay, P.K. and Rai, P.K.,(2022) Site-specific nutrient management: impact on productivity, nutrient uptake and economics of rice-wheat system Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92(2): 195–198.
  • Singh, Ajit, Nagar, Viniti, Tanwar, Nitin, Shahi, U.,P. and Bhan, S,,C. (2022) Use of  Statistical Models in Yield Forecasting of Wheat, Mustard and Potato Crop in Western Districts of Uttar Pradesh India, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 12(3): 66-72,

Honor and Awards

Awards/Recognitions/Abroad visit by Faculty:


Faculty Name



Dr. Satendra Kumar

  • "SAARS Excellence in Teaching Award-2015" by Scientific Advance Agriculture Research Society, Etawah in the National Workshop on Indian Agriculture-Problems, Issues and Reforms (IAPI&R-2016) on 06th March, 2016 at Banaras Hindu University- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RGSC, Barkachha, Mirzapur.
  • "Distinguished Scientist Award-2016" by Society for World Environment, Food and Technology, New Delhi in the national conference on Intervention of Climatic Change in Sustainable development of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security and its Amelioration at Subharti University Meerut on March 24-25, 2017. 
  • “BRICPL Excellence Award in Teaching and Research-2017” by the Biologix Research and Innovation Centre Pvt. Ltd., INDIA on the Occasion of International Conference on Emerging trends in allied & applied biotechnology with special reference to Agril. Environmental, medical & industrial research held on 02.4.2017 at Orchha, MP (INDIA).
  • "Fellow Award-2018" by Agriculture Development Society, Gaziabad in the International conference on Advances in Agriculture, Biological Sciences for Sustainable future (ABAS-2018) at Swami Vevekanand Subharti University Meerut (INDIA) on October 20-22, 2018. 
  • "Outstanding Achievement Award-2018" by Agro Environmental Development Society, Rampur on the occasion of international conference on Emerging Issues in Agriculture, Environmental & Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development (EIAEASSD-2018) at Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad (INDIA) on November, 27-29, 2018. 
  • 2nd position in paper presentation in international conference on Emerging Issues in Agriculture, Environmental & Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development (EIAEASSD-2018) at Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad (INDIA) on November, 27-29, 2018.


Dr.  Ashok Kumar

  • Distinguish Scientist Award 2015 Society   for Recent Development In Agriculture In the International conference on Global warming and biodiversity conservation held at Dubai, UAE during 9.2.16 to 11.2.16 International conference on Global warming and biodiversity conservation
  • Best soil health work presentation award in Global Congress and Expo on Food and Agriculture as Keynote Speaker on Soil Health Management through soil health card for food security during 18-20- 11 2019 held at Dubai, UAE.2019.
  • Life time achievement award of 2019 by HI Tech Horticulture society Meerut, (UP), India at National Research Centre on seed spices, Ajmer (Rajsthan) India at International conference on 3rd Global meet on science & Technology for ensuring food & nutrition security (GMST) during 1-3 December 2019.
  • Out Standing Scientist Award 2020 in 10th International scientist awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, held at Hyderabad, India, Organized by VDGOOD Professional Association during 26-27 Sept 2020.

Dr. S. P. Singh

  • Young Scientist Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Soil Science on the occasion of National Conference on “Reinvigorating Agricultural Innovations for farmers empowerment and development” Reinfed-2015 from 3-4 May, 2015 at PJTSAU, Hyderabad.
  • Best Poster Paper Award for the paper entitled “Effect of INM practices on performance of Mustard crop (Brassica Juncea l.) and physic-chemical properties of soil” on the occasion of National Conference on “Reinvigorating Agricultural Innovations for farmers empowerment and development” Reinfed-2015 from 3-4 May, 2015 at PJTSAU, Hyderabad.
  • Best Appreciation Award for outstanding contribution in the field of tristriya panchayat Election - 2015 as a sector Magistrate from 30.02.2016 at C.C.S. University, Meerut (U.P.).
  • Best Research Paper award-2017 for contribution in the field of Soil Science by the society GKV, Agra, on the occasion of National Conference on “Managing soil health for sustainable and nutritional food production” held on 28-29th October, 2017 at Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, (M.P).
  • Best Teacher award-2020 for outstanding contribution in the field of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry on the occasion of National Conference on Recent trends and new frontiers in biotechnology, agriculture, science and environment NCRTNFBASE -2020 from 22-23 February, 2020 at assembly hall, St. John’s College, Agra, (U.P.).


Dr. U.P. Shahi

  • Cleanup Scholarship 2017 by CRCCARE New Castle University Australia  
  • Cleanup Scholarship 2019 by CRCCARE New Castle University Australia
  • Paper presented in CleanUp 2017 the 7th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference incorporating 1st International PFAS conference from 10-14 September at Melbourne, Australia
  • Attended workshop on “Bioremediation of chlorinated DNAPL source zones” during 10-14 September at Melbourne, Australia
  • Attended workshop on “Innovative visualization, modeling and optimization tools for improving remediation efficiency” during 10-14 September at Melbourne, Australia
  • Paper presented in CleanUp 2019 the 7th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference incorporating 2nd International PFAS conference from 8-12 September at Adelaide Convention Center, Adelaide, Australia
  • Best Poster Presentation award during Global Cleanup Congress 2018 from 22-24 October at Le Meridian Coimbatore 
  • Out Standing Achievement Award 2018 from the Endling Conferences Pune during International Conference on Food and AgricultureICFA-2018 held on March 29-31 at Dhanbad India.
  • Vishisht Shikshak Puraskar-2016 for outstanding contribution in field of Teaching from Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences on the occasion of 28th foundation day of UPCAR on 14 June 2017 in the gracious presence of Shri Ram Naik jee Hon’ble Governor, U.P. and Shri Surya Pratap Shahi Ag Minister U.P. Govt.
  • Out Standing Achievement Award 2016 from the Genesis Urban and Rural Development Society Hyderabad Tenagana National Conference ECOASPECT-16 held on Sept 10-11 at IIRR Hyderabad.
  • Distinguished Scientist award 2016 from the society of S&T SIRI during National conference ARISE-2016 on 21 May at Kakaitya University Warangal, Telangana.


Dr. Yogesh Kumar

  • Gold Medal Award 2016 from Hi-Tech Horticulture Society, on the occasion of International Conference on “Global Agriculture & Innovation” held at Noida International University, Noida (U.P.) India
  • Best Scientist (Teaching)Award-2015 from Society for Scientific and Social Development (SSSD), on the occasion of National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Agricultural Sciences and its Impact on Sustainable Livelihood” held at Shobhit University during 25-26, Feb., 2017, Meerut (U.P.) India
  • D.C. Memorial Teacher Award-2016 for outstanding contributions in the field of Soil Science by the society for world environment, Food and Technology (SWEFT), New Delhi on the occasion of National Conference on “Intervention of climatic change in sustainable development of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition security and its amelioration” March 24-25, 2017.
  • Young Scientist award-2017 from society GKV, Agra for contributions in the field of Soil Science on the occasion of National Conference on “Managing soil health for sustainable and nutritional food production” held on 28-29th, October, 2017 at JN. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P).